Tonight, Liz and I went shoe shopping. It was essential for me, because Emmaline, our golden retriever, stole one of my sneakers and refuses to give it up. So I was wearing heavy winer boots today despite the 70 degree temperature. I was feeling exhausted from travel, the time change, and losing an hour of sleep to daylight savings time, so all I wanted to do was to get a hamburger, fries, and a beer or two.
After a successful shopping trip--we both got cool new shoes--we contemplated our culinary options. We started with the best of intentions. We headed to a place called Karma that we'd never eaten at, but heard had really good food. It started as a raw food restaurant, so we figured it would have healthy options. But alas, it had already closed. It's relocating to a smaller location in the next town, so they must not have found an audience.
We were too tired to go to a restaurant that took much time, so we went to Local Burger. They serve great burgers from local beef. I really, really, really wanted French fries--they make incredible sweet potato fries, but Liz was being good, so I followed her path. Burger, no bun, side of cole slaw, and water. It was hard smelling the fries all around us, I have to say. But whenI got home, I discoveredI had enough calories left for a beer, so I got 2/3 of my fantasy and stayed within my calories.
Today's facts:
Exercise: 45 minutes with Sean, a trainer at Fitness Together
Food: 1,336 calories

I did much better thanI thought I would. Tomorrow will be a challenge. I have an army AM meeting, so I can't exercise in the morning, and I'm meeting a friend for dinner, so the calories will be a challenge.
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