I love Mondays because I have two workouts--Fitness Together in the morning and spinning with Peggy at the Y in the afternoon. It's really hard for me to get enough calories on Mondays. I felt like I was eating all day and only ate 1,650 calories. I burned off nearly 1,000 calories between the 2 workouts, so I really should eat more. The problem with eating so few calories is that if my body thinks I'm going into a starvation situation, my metabolism will slow down and it will be harder to lose weight. Please body, I have enough fat stored up to last through a long period of starvation. Trust that fat supply--it's there for energy.
My workout this morning was fun, with an emphasis on upper body exercises. I did 60 push-ups--the last couple were pretty poor and 80 pull-ups, using a giant rubber band under my right foot to support my weight. I've never been able to do more than 1 or 2 actual pull-ups. I remember when I first tried doing pull-ups. I was in 6th grade and we were doing a fitness test that John Kennedy had his Fitness Council develop to improve the fitness level of America'a youth--things really don't change, do they. Anyway, I tried doing pull-ups and was shocked that I could only do a couple. I was a very athletic kid and excelled at every athletic thing I tried, so I was quite disappointed to learn that I couldn't do pull-ups. I also did some exercises for the obliques and some lunges, because who would want a day without lunges.
Tonight, Peggy did an endurance class, where she was having us work at a high level with few breaks. It's so much tougher to do that than interval work, which is counterintuitive to me. I guess it's because I was getting my heart rate up in the area I normally do for interval training and not taking the breaks to get it back down. Maybe I should try keeping my heart rate in the 140s when I'm doing an endurance workout.
Only one more workout until my assessment!
congrats! this has been a real treat to read!