Monday is the best day for spinning because Peggy teaches the class and she's amazing, most of the rest of the week spinning is at 6am, and I'd rather be sleeping, and while here is a class on Wednesday at 6pm, it's meant for beginners and Wednesday evening is when I try to hang out with Avery (Heidi and Gina's 14 year old son). We're having fun watching old movies that I love.
So I finally figured out what I hope will work--go to Fitness Together on Wednesdays and Fridays at 7:30am, do spinning on Mondays and Saturdays, and fit in another class if I'm in the mood, like spinning or yoga at the Y on Sunday. I have a message into Fitness Together to see if my old Wednesday time slot is still open.
I haven't been putting pictures in my blog for a while for a pretty silly reason. I like doing my blog on my iPad. I'm on computers all day long, so switching to the iPad in the evening feels like I'm doing something completely different. I couldn't figure out how to insert pictures, though. So since I'm having such a brilliant day, I thought, why don't I google "how to load pictures on a blog using an iPad" and of course there were a bunch of solutions. I picked the $2.99 solution of buying an app called BlogPress. I'm writing this blog using it. It's easy to use and even easier for inserting pictures than using Blogger directly. I just transfer my pictures from my iPhone to my iPad, open BlogPress, touch the picture of the camera, touch the picture I want to load, and shazam, it's there! I love apps, I love technology, what a great time to live.
I had a great lower body workout today. Lots of squats and lunges. I will be pleasantly sore tomorrow, which is always my goal. Mark took pictures of three of my favorite exercises today. For the first one, I had a 15 pound dumbbell in one hand, leaned forward to bring the arm with the dumbbell down toward the floor and the leg on the same side up until it was parallel with the floor, like this:
Hmmm--my leg isn't exactly parallel, I'll blame it on Mark for not catching me at the perfect time. Then I stood up without touching my foot to the floor and curled and pressed the weight like this:
This was great for balance and strength. I wish I could say that I did all the reps without my foot ever touching the floor, but I'm very principled about not lying on President's Day.
Then I did 4 sets of walking lunges, starting with 20 pound dumbbells, like this:
One set involved lunging the length of the room forward and lunging in reverse back to where I started. I have to admit I rejected a lot of the lunge photos because it is hard to keep your back straight while lunging with weights.
Then my very favorite--squatting while pulling up a weight stack. What I really loved about this today was that I squatted the entire weight stack--85 pounds--as you can clearly see from this picture:
All in all, a fun day.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
Location:N Farms Rd,Northampton,United States
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