Wow--it's been way too long since I blogged. Not since my time of shame in spinning class. I just got back from LA, and the lesson of the weekend is I really need to prepare better when I travel.
When I go to LA, I assist in a course and have to be there at 7 am to set up on Saturday and Sunday, and we finish debriefing at around 9:30-10 Saturday night and 7 Sunday night, at which time I'm exhausted. So if I haven't planned my food ahead of time, I'm really limited to the hotel's menu, which while delicious, is full of temptations and calories (think delicious waffle fries, for example).
When I went to pack on Friday morning (I had to leave at 11), I discovered that I only had 2 protein bars. That was a bad start--I rely on protein bars on the plane and at the course because they're nutritious and very filling, and help me to avoid temptation. Then I texted my friend who usually goes to Trader Joe's to stock up for the course and found out that she was getting to LA late and couldn't get there. Oh, oh, things were not looking good. And then I basically gave up. The menu at the hotel really doesn't have much that would fit into my diet. I didn't go totally crazy, but I did eat a cupcake, a bunch of chocolate, waffle fries, and drank 2 beers, on top of the meals I ate. We'll see what the scale says tomorrow. I want to make sure I'm better prepared when I travel in the future. The key now is to get right back to eating the way I want to eat.
My weight has really been stuck since after the first week I got back from Nicaragua. I keep losing and gaining the same 2 pounds. I immediately blamed myself--I must not be counting my calories correctly, I need to go back to weighing all my food instead of estimating it. I talked to Savanah at Fitness Together about it, and she thinks my body has hit a plateau because it's gotten accustomed to the kind of exercise I'm doing. she's going to switch it up at Fitness Together and suggested that instead of always doing interval cardio workouts, which is what spinning is, to do some cardio workouts keeping my heart rate steady at a lower rate, like in the 130s.
What's most interesting to me in all this is how my first assumption is that I must be doing something wrong in terms of my eating. In the past, I might have either given up or tried restricting my diet more. It's nice to be able to talk about it with someone who's seen other people plateau and understands the reasons it happens.
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