Saturday, May 28, 2011


I went to the graduation ceremony at Holyoke Community College today. It was really inspiring. One of the speakers was a woman who is probably in her 30s. She was in a wheelchair and was deaf. A few years ago, she was an RN and was married with two kids. When her third baby was born, the baby was having health problems and the woman knew there was something seriously wrong with her. When the baby was 3, they diagnosed her with a genetic disease and the woman had it too. The baby died and the woman nearly died. She lost her ability to walk and her hearing. She was discharged from the hospital and sent home with hospice to die.

As she was waiting to die, she realized that she had a choice. She could sit there until she died, or she could continue living her life. So she enrolled at Holyoke Community College. Her doctor was pretty shocked--she was the first hospice patient he had had that started going to college. And today she got her degree. Her disease is incurable and will continue to progress, but while she is alive, she is going to live her life.

Wow! Puts a few broken bones into perspective, doesn't it. There were two other speakers who were also really inspiring. I started wondering why I haven't gone to graduation before--I am a trustee for the college. Oh yeah, last year I was in Nicaragua breaking my leg on the day of graduation--it was exactly a year ago today.

Yesterday I went to Fitness Together in the morning and cycling in he afternoon. I couldn't do anther thing. Maybe a double workout the day after being sick wasn't the best idea. I took today off and will do my long ride for the week on Monday to get another day of recovery in.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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