Friday, July 29, 2011

Weigh In

Well, I finally weighed in this morning. I nearly rationalized not doing it. I had a business meeting after my workout this morning and was running short of time. Also, Alexandra spent the night last night, and I didn't think I could do the weigh in without waking her up. But I decided it was time to face the facts. I know in the past that when I've gained a lot of weight, it's because I haven't been weighing myself.

My fervent hope was that I hadn't gained more than 5 pounds. My fear was that I had gained 10. Imagine my surprise and relief when I found I'd lost a pound! I am amazed because I felt like I gained a lot of weight and even though my clothes were fitting me differently. It's very inspiring to have lost weight. I also started tracking the food I'm eating again starting today. When I don't, it's just too easy to think, "Well, I haven't eaten that much, I can have some popcorn after dinner." That's much different from knowing I have 250 calories left and can eat 5 cups of popcorn (believe me, I eat much more than that when I don't know how many calories I've eaten). So my birthday and vacation are over-- time to refocus on getting into great shape.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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