Tuesday, September 27, 2011

At a Decent Interval

What a gorgeous day! I've been able to exercise 4 days in a row. It's great to have a break from the rain, although the rain brought us amazing mushrooms we've been enjoying. Pat is a fabulous mushroom hunter and she's given us hen of the woods and black chanterelles. They're both amazing--particularly in omelets.

Anyway there was a mist on the meadow this morning and it was amazingly beautiful. Liz took a picture of it a couple o days ago and when I cycled by this morning, it looked exactly like her picture:

The scene is of our neighbor the sheep farmers' meadow and barn. Liz is going to print the photo and give it to them.

I told Mark that I was only cycling 10-11 miles and he suggested I work in some intervals. Funny thing--Sara suggested the same thing the summer she lived with us and we went rollerblading most mornings. I don't remember that we ever managed to work it in. Mainly what we did was I led the 3 miles out, and Sara took off as soon as we turned around. I would try to stay with her until she as out of sight around some curve and then settle in at my normal pace.

That was a fun summer. Sara would blade with me in the morning, bike to work at Table and Vine (why did they close that great store!) where she hefted cases of beer all day, and then bike home. Despite all that exercise, she gained weight over the summer. How? Because we went to Slap and Paddle (Liz's name for Cold Stone Creamery) nearly every evening. Delicious!

Anyway, I took Mark's advice and threw in 4 intervals this morning. I can see that I am capable of much greater speeds than I am normally doing. So I'll continue doing intervals and see if I can increase my overall speed. I've been concerned about doing long organized bike rides because I think I'd fall way behind everyone. Maybe not!

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Monday, September 26, 2011

Taking My Medicine

Working out with Mark today was all about the medicine ball. It's amazing what a workout you can do with that alone! First, he had me pull an 11 pound ball over my head and slam it into the ground as hard as I could, repeating as fast as I could. Then I stood on the Bosu and threw a medicine ball to him as hard as I could, followed by standing sideways on the Bosu and throwing it to him--for the latter, I had to have my feet touching each other, which made balancing particularly challenging. Then I stood with my back to Mark and threw the ball to him over my head, followed by facing him with the ball on the ground, doing a squat to pick up the ball and throw it at him. I think that was the end of the ball tossing. We did a few other things to round out the workout.

I was amazed at how much all that ball tossing engaged my abs. It was a great ab workout without the annoyingness of sit-ups or planks. I'm going to be really sore, because I can already feel it starting in my biceps and triceps tonight. I know when I start getting sore the day of a workout, there's much more in store for the next two days. I like the feeling of being sore, and have had only mild soreness from my workouts since my surgery, so I'm really looking forward to it--bring it on!

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Saturday, September 24, 2011

Summer Dreams

When Liz and I were cycling today, I thought about my dream in the middle of the summer to take full-day bike trips, stopping at little local cafes on our route for delicious food breaks. Wow--that didn't happen. We took 2 trips up to Ashfield--round trip nearly 40 miles with the extension we put on it. And once I biked with Gina and Bob to the Straw Bale Cafe for breakfast, but that was just a 20 mile trip. And while we stopped to eat every time, my fantasy really involved having that as a first stop, continuing further out into the boonies, stopping at another cool place for an early afternoon meal, and heading home.

We stopped doing long rides (over 15-20 miles) early in August, because Liz was having trouble with knee pain. And then I had surgery for appendicitis, and couldn't do anything for 3 weeks and now I'm trying to build my endurance back up, between rain drops.

But I've also realized that doing long rides on Saturday and Sunday takes a lot of the weekend. We spend Sunday afternoons with Bennett and Grace and Melinda are coming for dinner on Sunday evenings, so if we're riding all Saturday and Sunday morning, we have the afternoon to do errands, and only have Saturday night free ( I'm not saying visiting with Bennett, Grace and Melinda aren't fun events that we don't look forward to. Hmmmm--lots of negatives--I hope the meaning is clear). it's just that there's little room to be spontaneous or to make plans with other people.

So I have to say that I'm enjoying 10 miles bike rides. It takes less than 45 minutes, it puts minimum strain on our aging body parts, it's a great workout that's building our cardiovascular systems, and we have plenty of time and energy to do lots of other stuff. That's the other thing about long rides--our get up and go, got up and get.

I tried using our elliptical trainer yesterday because of the rain. I'm really having difficulty doing cardio inside--I hate giving up on cycling outside and am having unrealistic fantasies about a very mild winter we can cycle right through. But I figured out I can watch any ABC programs on my i Pad and prop it in front of me. It wasn't bad to exercise to Modern Family--the time went fast. It hurt my back for the rest of the day. Liz and I are looking onto trainers we can put our bikes on to train on them all winter--that will save my back. Aging . . . I got a set of emoticons for my keyboard, so I probably won't be able to resist putting them in all the time.

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Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Let Me Count the Ways

I met with my business coach today. We talk about lots of things that you might not think would come up in a discussion with a business coach, including the fact that I didn't track my calories yesterday. It fits under the category of well-being, because how effective can I be in running my business, if I don't take care of my well-being. well, the last two years have been an on-going test of that, haven't they. I'm really glad I have such a great staff.

Anyway, my justification for not counting my calories yesterday was that I had dinner at the Tapestry board meeting--a very delicious portabella mushroom stuffed with hummus, quinoa, and topped with Gouda cheese. Yum!!! Who could ever count the calories in that. And since I wasn't counting, how about a chocolate chip cookie for dessert, and while we're at it, how about a beer and popcorn during Monday night football. And all for free, because who was counting. So after talking with Anne, I realized it was all a crock--sure, I didn't know the exact number of calories, but I could estimate the amount of quinoa, hummus, cheese, mushroom, etc. To come up with a close-enough number--close enough that I'd know I didn't have room for the beer and popcorn. So I estimated it today, and I was about 250 calories over--not too bad--and ate that many fewer today.

Being sleazy doesn't really help me with my goals. I'm going to spend more time counting, less time justifying not counting.

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Sunday, September 18, 2011

Hit Me With Your Best Shot

I worked out with Brad yesterday. Here he is, playing Atlas.

It was a fun workout. We started with the 14 pound ball he's holding. I had to throw it at him as hard as I could 10 times, then 9 times followed by using it for an overhead press, on down to 0 throws and 10 presses. Then I had to take the 20 pound ball and throw it as hard as I could across the room 15 times, followed by the 14 pound ball, and then the 10 pound ball. Here I am pressing the 14 pound ball.

Then we boxed, me using gloves and him pads that I hit. Brad has boxed for 8 years, so it was really fun boxing with him, following different patterns. Wow--it hurts your hand, even with padded gloves on. Brad said he's done more training and sparring than actual boxing matches because he doesn't like being hit in the face.

I can understand that. When I was 11 or 12, there was a boy who lived next door who I thought was a sissy (sorry, Chuck, for being so gender-normative). One day he challenged me to a fist fight. I had no interest in a fist fight, but didn't want to look like a coward, especially to Chuck, so we started fighting. It was immediately clear to me that someone had taught Chuck how to fight. He was out-hitting me, although I got some punches in. The fight ended when I got a bloody nose, so I know what it's like to be hit in the face. My mother was really mad: "Your brother never even got involved in a fist fight." As if the standard I needed to follow when doing things normal associated with boys was what my brother had done. As if I had any idea what he had done. I guess my mother was gender-normative, too, although it's pretty amazing how tolerant my parents were with me being a tomboy.

I figured Chuck's dad must have taught him how to box and set the whole thing up. I had had experience with fathers being upset with me being a better athlete than their sons before. When we lived in Two Harbors, I remember Tommy Gow telling me that his father said that when we grew up, Tommy would be able to hit a baseball further than me. I doubted that that was true, but was perplexed that his father had taken an interest in the topic.

I hated that Chuck gave me a bloody nose, but figured I had won because I gave him a black eye--that lasted much longer than my bloody nose. Thankfully with Brad, I was the only one hitting.

Liz and I had a great bike ride today. The weather was beautiful, sunny and in the 60s. On the ay out, we saw an eagle soaring above us. We've never seen one so close to our house-- within 2 miles. On the way back, we saw a red fox in the middle of the road. I love you red fox, as long as you stay away from our chickens.

Yesterday was the annual in-line skating marathon in Duluth, Minnesota. My sister Chris was in it with her grand-daughter Lauren. Here's a picture of them at the finish:

It's very weird that they are the only 2 people in our family in the race. I hope others help to keep the tradition going. In talking to Chris, I remember the feeling of crossing the finish line. It's such an amazing feeling--it is such an accomplishment. The last few miles are really hard--actually, the whole 26.2 miles is a challenge, but in the last few miles, it is such a struggle. Then when I cross the finish line, it's like getting a surge of energy and such an amazing high. I'm bummed I can never do that on blades again, but hope I can have a similar experience in a 50-100 mile bike ride.

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Friday, September 16, 2011

Here We Go, Here We Go Again

So it feels like Liz andI are getting back in the rhythm. We went for a bike ride this afternoon--a beautiful day-- and we're entering everything we eat into our nutrition program. I am trying to see if I can incorporate alcohol and dessert into a healthy diet. We had wine with dinner and ice cream for dessert and both were within our calories. So maybe it's possible to eat in moderation. That would be nice. I didn't work out with Savannah today because she was sick, so I'm working out with Brad tomorrow. I'm excited about that--I've never worked out with Brad and have wanted to. I'll bring my camera in case we do something new.

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Thursday, September 15, 2011

It's Gone

That pizza must have had a lot of sodium in it, because after 1 day of eating properly, I lost 3.7 pounds wouldn't it be nice if that happened regularly. I haven't been able to get back into the rhythm of working out regularly. I want to start tomorrow. The weather is supposed to be beautiful for the next week--chilly, but beautiful. Perfect weather for biking. I can't wait to get started.

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Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Out of Control

I didn't weigh myself for five days and guess what--I gained four pounds! I know all of that isn't real--we had pizza for dinner last night, so I know some of it is from the saltiness of the pepperoni. But I go a little crazy when I don't weight myself. We went to a beer festival Friday night. I had ice cream on Sunday, along with a great meal at the Great Wall, I had a bunch of beer Monday night watching the Patriots start out the season in fine offensive form. And there is enough stress going on with my family and friends that eating and drinking just seems like the best way to respond.

But when I weigh myself, I get pulled back into reality. I wanted a beer tonight, but I know I don't want to put back all the weight I've lost, so I had watermelon instead.

So I've got to keep weighing myself--no excuses.

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Sunday, September 11, 2011

Back in the Saddle

I did my first bike ride since surgery yesterday. It felt great! I only did our basic 11 mile route, but didn't feel like I'd lost much. It might have been a different matter on a longer ride or steeper hills, but it really was good to be cycling. It was a perfect day-- sunny and warm.

Now that the days are getting shorter, I'll have to see how much riding I can do during the week. I just checked--the sunrises at 6:30, so I should be able to get an 11 mile ride in before work.

Tomorrow is my first workout at Fitness Together since my surgery. I told them I want to workout carefully tomorrow. I still have some pain where my appendix was--not intense--it feels like a gas pain. But it happens when I engage my abs and I don't want to rip any staples out.

I really have my energy back. Maybe I'm not so old.

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Thursday, September 8, 2011

I Feel Good

Hey, it's 10:30 at night and I'm full of energy. I turned off the football game at 10:00 to go to bed, and realized that I'm not exhausted. What a great feeling! Last Thursday, I had to leave work early because I was so tired that I no longer cared about anything, which is dangerous at work. I'm wide awake despite the fact that I had a terrible night's sleep last night. I had started worrying that my incision was infected--it was swollen and red and a little oozy (sorry). So then I started worrying that maybe I had an internal infection. You know there are these horrible infections like MRSA that are rampant in hospitals and unresponsive to antibiotics. Maybe that's what I had and why I was so tired. In fact, maybe it would spread through my whole system and I would die in my sleep. A night like that.

I have a bit of a fear of dying in my sleep. I comes from when I was 7 or 8 and had some illness for which I had to take pink medicine. My sister Debbie volunteered to get the medicine and my mother gave it to me. I kept complaining about the taste and finally my mother looked at the label and discovered that Debbie had gotten a medicine that was for external use only, but looked just like my medicine, except of course, for the skull and crossbones on the label. Panic ensued and after a call to Dr. Moyer, I had to drink warm milk and have my mother stick her finger down my throat a million times. When that was done, I went to bed, where my sister Chris kindly told me I was going to die. I was really scared and tried not to go to sleep, but eventually sleep came and after sleeping a bit, I woke up and vomited a huge amount all over the hall floor. Somehow, it was my dad's job to clean in up. Maybe because he didn't have to do the finger down the throat task. Then I was fine and went right back to sleep. But that fear of falling asleep because I'll die in the night returns periodically.

I went to the doctor today and he said no infection. And now I have energy. And intend to sleep deeply and without fear tonight, and if it stops raining tomorrow, go for a bike ride!

PS I only gained .4 of a pound in Minnesota. Hallelujah! And I've lost 1.1 pounds since then. Apparently, I didn't eat highly caloric food every second that I was gone.

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Monday, September 5, 2011

Next Phase

I wish I had a timer to measure the longest time Spanish I went without eating while I was awake in Minnesota. It wouldn't have been very long. It was a 3 day pool party at my sister Chris's.

When I checked the weather forecast before I left, I thought the weekend would be a bust in terms of hanging out at the pool. The forecast was for fall temperatures and thunderstorms. While it never did get very warm, the combination of a lack of wind, lots of sunshine, and a heated pool more than made up for it. And when anyone got chilly, a trip to the hot tub was all it took to warm up.

So I accomplished my goal of doing not much more than sitting and and around the pool. My main exercise was heading to the buffet table to refill my plate. It was a traditional Pokela event--potato salad, baked beans (both made using my mother's recipes), hot dogs-burgers-brauts on the grill, potato chips, and brownies. There were 40 people at the height of the party on Saturday, all but a couple my sibs, nieces-nephews and spouses, and their kids. We brought my mother over for a few hours on Friday and Saturday. We spent the evenings playing cards. All in all, the weekend was a lot like being at the lake. I really enjoy being with my family.

Tomorrow will start the next phase of my fitness goals. I'll start with the moment of truth in terms of weighing in. Then I need to get my diet back under control, and I can start training again on Wednesday. Yay!

Here're some pictures from the weekend. This is my brother Tom with Jack, his grandson:

Here're my nephew Jeremy and sisters Deb and Chris:

And here is Chris's grandson Tommy, scaring us with his pirate hat and skeleton gloves. Very scary:

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