Monday, September 5, 2011

Next Phase

I wish I had a timer to measure the longest time Spanish I went without eating while I was awake in Minnesota. It wouldn't have been very long. It was a 3 day pool party at my sister Chris's.

When I checked the weather forecast before I left, I thought the weekend would be a bust in terms of hanging out at the pool. The forecast was for fall temperatures and thunderstorms. While it never did get very warm, the combination of a lack of wind, lots of sunshine, and a heated pool more than made up for it. And when anyone got chilly, a trip to the hot tub was all it took to warm up.

So I accomplished my goal of doing not much more than sitting and and around the pool. My main exercise was heading to the buffet table to refill my plate. It was a traditional Pokela event--potato salad, baked beans (both made using my mother's recipes), hot dogs-burgers-brauts on the grill, potato chips, and brownies. There were 40 people at the height of the party on Saturday, all but a couple my sibs, nieces-nephews and spouses, and their kids. We brought my mother over for a few hours on Friday and Saturday. We spent the evenings playing cards. All in all, the weekend was a lot like being at the lake. I really enjoy being with my family.

Tomorrow will start the next phase of my fitness goals. I'll start with the moment of truth in terms of weighing in. Then I need to get my diet back under control, and I can start training again on Wednesday. Yay!

Here're some pictures from the weekend. This is my brother Tom with Jack, his grandson:

Here're my nephew Jeremy and sisters Deb and Chris:

And here is Chris's grandson Tommy, scaring us with his pirate hat and skeleton gloves. Very scary:

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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