Sunday, October 2, 2011

Baby It's Cold Outside

Wow--I'm really having trouble getting out in the cold. I put on my sweats to cycle today, but it started raining just as I started out. Cold and rain was more than I could bear, so I headed to the basement and the elliptical. Thank god ABC has an app that let's me watch any of their programs at any point. I have already watched all of the Modern Family's so I was reduced to the results program from Dancing With the Stars. Not overwhelmingly engaging, but enough to carry me through a half-hour. I ant wait until we can afford a trainer for our bikes.

I had Bennett to myself today, because Liz is visiting her brother, et al in Indiana. We went to GoBerry which sells frozen yogurt. Bennett ate about 2 bites of hers. It was really hard not to finish it for her, but I've been great about counting my calories, so into the trash it went.

Not that I ate great today, nutritionally. Once I dropped Bennett off, it has been an all football, all the time, day, which of course, called for drinking beer. The Patriots won after a terrible start, and now I'm hoping that Baltimore beats the Jets, because I hate Rex Ryan and the Jets. The Jets just fumbled, and the Ravens picked it up and scored a touchdown. Yay!!! But the game has just started. Let the fun continue.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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