Saturday, December 11, 2010

Lord of the Rings

Yesterday was Day 2 of my training. My quads and glutes were still sore from Wednesday, but I figured after 160 lunges Wednesday, we would be doing other exercises. I would be wrong. I did lunges, along with squats and rows, but this time it was all done with rings.

First, I started with 20 lunges. The secret to this exercise is that I'm pulling myself up with my arms.It's effective--my forearms, triceps, and back muscles are all sore this morning, along with my quads and glutes.

     Then I did 20 squats, again pulling up with my arms.

 Then I did 20 rows. For this one, I balanced on my heels with my arms fully extended, leaning backwards, and pulled myself forward to the position on the right. After doing 20 of those, I started over and did another set of each--who would only want to do those exercises once--not the Lord of the Rings!

Then, the most fun exercise of the day--I forget it's real name, but I'll call it the flying lunge on the rings. I don't remember how many sets of 10 I did--was it a hundred? No, maybe 2.

Looking at that movie, I know I'm going to be in incredible shape in 2 months! We rounded it off with a bunch of planks--can't ignore the abs--and cobras, so I'll have a nice, erect posture. I've only done this ring workout once before, but I have to say, it's really fun and one of my favorites.


  1. Wow, you really are the Lord-ess of the Rings! I couldn't get the movie to run, but I am sure you will be in the shape of your life in 2 months.

  2. Julie, they are called jumping ring pull-ups.
