Today I did my first double workout. I worked out with Sean in the morning at Fitness Together and took a spinning class after work at the Y. When I started spinning, my legs were really tired, so I thought I'd take it easy, since I had already done one work out today. But then I thought, is that why I'm training--to take it easy? I'm doing this to challenge myself to see how much I can improve my fitness level in two months. That has nothing to do with taking it easy.
I don't want to push myself so hard that I can sick or injured, but neither of those things is likely to happen in spinning class. So I decided I would try to keep pace with the instructor. Immediately, I felt a burst of energy and started having fun. Peggy, the instructor, leads an amazing spinning class. She loves to alternate standing and sitting--sit for a minute, stand for 2; sit for 8 seconds, stand for 8 (repeat many times); sit for 4 seconds, stand for 4 (repeat many times); sit for 2 seconds, stand for 2 (repeat a bazillion times). Great workout for the heart and quads.
As much as I know that my frame of mind influences my performance, I don't have a lot of mastery over shifting from a "I can't do it" to a "I'm going for it" state of mind. I really saw that when I was doing my baseline assessment at the start of my training program. Like when I was doing a plank, the goal was to hold the plank position for as long as I could. If you've never done a plank, this is exactly how I look doing it. Anyway, I decided before I even started that I was going for holding it for 2 minutes. So as soon as Brandon told me I hit 2 minutes, guess what--I collapsed. If I had decided I was going for 3 minutes, would I have made it? 5 minutes? I don't know what my limit actually is, but I'm sure I didn't really hit it.
There's a great Radio Lab podcast called limits (go to and scroll down the list of podcasts in the main part of the site until you see "Limits." It starts with an amazing story of a woman who competed in the Ironman Triathlon in Hawaii without training for it. The Ironman is a 2.5 mile swim, followed by a 112 mile bike ride, followed by a 26.2 mile run. And this woman was competing without training. The whole program is such a reminder that we're capable of much more than we think. So I'm not about taking it easy--I'm about going for it!!!
You will be ready for digging sand for the house in O. in no time.