Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Day 15

Recovering from general anesthesia is really annoying. I feel like I should be basically back to normal, with reduced activity, but my brain isn't cooperating. I tried to go to work yesterday, and it was like someone had injected glue in my brain. Ingrid sent me a long email about, well, who can remember what it was about, and after I read 2 sentences, I realized I wasn't tracking from one sentence to the next. I remember this from all the times I've had general anesthesia when I've had bladder cancer--it always takes much longer to get my brain functioning than I expect. So I cancelled all my meetings this week except for the one in NYC on Thursday--I have to go to that one.

In the meantime, my lack of appetite is resulting in me losing weight, despite my lack of exercise. I'm hoping I don't lose too much conditioning in three weeks. I'm not sure what I'm going to do about the long bike ride I had wanted to do--it's on September 17--just 11 days after I can start working out again. Maybe I'll do the 25 mile ride.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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