I feel like I'm fighting off a cold. Liz's brother, sister-in-law and niece were here last week to visit Dan and us, but I'm sure Dan was the top priority. Anyway Maria had a bad cold, which Liz caught and I feel like I'm fighting it off. I hope I'm successful because the next few weeks are action-packed. I'm headed to Baton Rouge tomorrow, come back late Thursday night, head to the beach Friday and Saturday (ok, I know that's not too strenuous). Then we head into Boston for a late night Red Sox-Yankees game. Does it get better than that? No time for a cold.
I had a great workout with Mark yesterday. I told him my back had been hurting from the night before. Dan had taken the carpeting out of our tv room--it had been peed and pooped on by too many cats and dogs, and we couldn't get the smell out. Liz had spent the weekend putting in a new bamboo floor, while I periodically would wander in to tell her how good it looked. Dan was off in New York visiting a friend from college. By Sunday I was feeling a bit guilty, so I painted some baseboards and helped put the room back together. Liz did an amazing job--here's how it looks:
Hey I'm having trouble transferring photos. What's with that?
Anyway, Mark took my sore back as a sign that I should do plenty of back exercises. I'm sore today from my triceps to every muscle in my back--it's a great feeling.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
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