Sunday, September 11, 2011

Back in the Saddle

I did my first bike ride since surgery yesterday. It felt great! I only did our basic 11 mile route, but didn't feel like I'd lost much. It might have been a different matter on a longer ride or steeper hills, but it really was good to be cycling. It was a perfect day-- sunny and warm.

Now that the days are getting shorter, I'll have to see how much riding I can do during the week. I just checked--the sunrises at 6:30, so I should be able to get an 11 mile ride in before work.

Tomorrow is my first workout at Fitness Together since my surgery. I told them I want to workout carefully tomorrow. I still have some pain where my appendix was--not intense--it feels like a gas pain. But it happens when I engage my abs and I don't want to rip any staples out.

I really have my energy back. Maybe I'm not so old.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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