Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Out of Control

I didn't weigh myself for five days and guess what--I gained four pounds! I know all of that isn't real--we had pizza for dinner last night, so I know some of it is from the saltiness of the pepperoni. But I go a little crazy when I don't weight myself. We went to a beer festival Friday night. I had ice cream on Sunday, along with a great meal at the Great Wall, I had a bunch of beer Monday night watching the Patriots start out the season in fine offensive form. And there is enough stress going on with my family and friends that eating and drinking just seems like the best way to respond.

But when I weigh myself, I get pulled back into reality. I wanted a beer tonight, but I know I don't want to put back all the weight I've lost, so I had watermelon instead.

So I've got to keep weighing myself--no excuses.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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