Monday, September 26, 2011

Taking My Medicine

Working out with Mark today was all about the medicine ball. It's amazing what a workout you can do with that alone! First, he had me pull an 11 pound ball over my head and slam it into the ground as hard as I could, repeating as fast as I could. Then I stood on the Bosu and threw a medicine ball to him as hard as I could, followed by standing sideways on the Bosu and throwing it to him--for the latter, I had to have my feet touching each other, which made balancing particularly challenging. Then I stood with my back to Mark and threw the ball to him over my head, followed by facing him with the ball on the ground, doing a squat to pick up the ball and throw it at him. I think that was the end of the ball tossing. We did a few other things to round out the workout.

I was amazed at how much all that ball tossing engaged my abs. It was a great ab workout without the annoyingness of sit-ups or planks. I'm going to be really sore, because I can already feel it starting in my biceps and triceps tonight. I know when I start getting sore the day of a workout, there's much more in store for the next two days. I like the feeling of being sore, and have had only mild soreness from my workouts since my surgery, so I'm really looking forward to it--bring it on!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

1 comment:

  1. Julie, today I saw a recumbent bike with a fiberglass pod over it. It seemed like it was for rain protection or maybe speed. Maybe that's what you need so you can bike all winter. That and studded tires.
