Thursday, January 20, 2011

It Ain't Over

I have 2 weeks left until my next assessment. I'm realizing that I'm starting to think that my training is already done--like there's nothing more I can accomplish in furthering my fitness goals in the next 2 weeks. When I stop to think about it, it's crazy! Two weeks is a full one-fourth of my training period--of course I can increase my fitness level in 2 weeks.

I know I've done this with many things in my life--stopping the race well short of the finish line. In the first place, I'm not going to stop training when my free training period is over, so nothing is really ending. And it's not like I need to taper for my assessment, which is the rationalization I've used for other athletic endeavors. I think it's a self-defeating thing I do. I stop trying before the end, don't achieve my goal, and then have an excuse for not hitting my goal (hey--I didn't prepare the way I should have), and then I get to spend some time in the well of self-hatred--I can't even finish what I started.

Well, no matter what I might be thinking, my thoughts are different from my actions. I'm going to keep up my training. It's going to be challenging because I'm heading to LA this weekend and making a quick trip to Illinois next week. I'll miss a spinning workout on Saturday, but will see how hard I can push myself in the hotel gym. I'll miss another spinning workout on Monday--I'll have to check my flight info to see if I can work out before I have to head to the airport. I moved my Monday Fitness Together workout to Tuesday. I'm going to see if I can fit in an extra spinning class on Wednesday.

I can see as I'm writing this that I'm contributing to being self-defeating by not looking at the workouts that I'll miss and getting new ones in my schedule. I'll do that before I go.