Sunday, July 31, 2011

New Breakfast Place!

I cycled 24 miles today with Gina and Bob. I wanted to explore a new route, and Gina knows one that goes by the Straw Bale Cafe. You'd never know it from the name, but it is in a building made of straw bales. They have a small section of the wall with a window so you can see how it's built.

It was really a fun ride, although it had gotten very hot at the end. Gina showed us a way around the steepest hill on Chesterfield Road, which is excellent information. And it's clear that many cyclers know the route because I saw many more cyclists following it than I ever see in that section of Chesterfield Road.

Here's the route:

Straw Bale Cafe is a good alternation to biking the Ashfield. Liz's knees have been getting sore, so we've been looking for routes with fewer long, steep hills. They have really good breakfasts (although no gluten-free pancakes) in a very congenial atmosphere.

I love that the whole route is alongside creeks and rivers. There are a lot more farms on this route, too, than on the roads I normally travel. I don't think of this area has having a lot of agriculture. I could see today that I just don't normally travel on the roads with concentrations of farms.

The nest sight I saw today was a stag standing still in the middle of a field. I felt like I was seeing Harry Potter's patronus. It made me realize how infrequently we see stags. I regularly see deer, but I think today was the first time I've seen a stag. Very cool!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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