Monday, April 25, 2011

Sick Day

I woke up feeling crappy today. Not a good week for that--too many meetings and too much traveling. I stayed home under the theory that if I worked on my laptop in bed, that would somehow make me less likely to be sick for the rest of the week than if I went to work. At least I wasn't spreading the germs. And I did get a nice long nap.

Here was my favorite moment today. Liz came back from finding glass and other lost items in the river to turn into art. She was admiring a tiny headless, handless, footless doll she found, and said with complete conviction: "This is what I live for!" I laughed so hard I thought I'd pee. No one will ever accuse Liz of not being passionate. Here's a picture of Liz with her treasure:

I don't think I got sick from over-doing it. I felt strong cycling yesterday afternoon, even though my legs were tired. Oh well, it probably isn't worth second-guessing myself. I'm going to train hard and take it easy when I feel crappy.

Speaking of which, I'm going to bed.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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