Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Homeward Bound

I'm heading back to the motherland, Minnesota, on Thursday, and then driving to Sioux Falls with my niece, Katy, on Friday, to celebrate Christmas with my mother, brother and sister-in-law, and nieces and their families.

So how to keep on my fitness program while traveling? I travel a lot, and haven't been successful. Food at airports and on planes is generally bad, with limited options that have more calories than nutrition. I frequently eat crap that I'd never eat at home just because I'm starving and think that I somehow deserve a very fattening reward, for what, I'm not sure.

I'd like to transform traveling for myself on this trip, to make it part of a healthy lifestyle. I transformed travel before. I used to complain about traveling, and I realized that since traveling is something I do regularly, I should find ways to enjoy it. So I thought about the things I really enjoy doing that I could do on the plane. I used to sit on the aisle so I could get off the plane fast. I changed to the window so I could enjoy the scenery. I had an amazing view of the Rockies on my last trip to L.A. Here are two pictures I took with my phone out the plane window. I buy magazines I enjoy, put podcasts and music I love on my iPhone, and books and games on my iPad. Now I enjoy traveling.

So what to do about eating while I'm traveling and during my visit? I'm heading to Trader Joe's after work tomorrow to see what I can bring. Brandon said there are energy bars that are nutritious without too much sugar, so I'll buy some of those. I can cut up carrots and celery so I have some vegetables and bring some apples. Doesn't sounds transforming, though, does it. I'm going to have to give it more thought.

In terms of exercise, I would normally work out both Friday and Saturday. I'm going to do my Friday workout on Thursday, which is normally a day off. So I texted my brother to see if we can go to a spinning class together on Saturday, and he's checking. We used to rollerblade together when I visited my brother, but before I get too deeply into feeling sorry for myself about not being able to rollerblade, I'm remembering that they have about 17 feet of snow.

1 comment:

  1. You are an inspiration. I love how you transformed travel into something positive. What a great way to turn around something. I am going to try it.
