Saturday, May 14, 2011

Hi Ho, Hi Ho, It's Off to Work I Go

I cycled to work today. As predicted, it was a perfect day. It was the first time I cycled to work since 4/21--the day after we got our trikes. It took me 30 minutes and 23 seconds to get to work that day, and 22 minutes and 49 seconds today. That's a 25% improvement!

Liz met me at the office and we cycled home together. It took me 52 minutes and 33 seconds to cycle home from work on 4/21, and 39 minutes and 21 seconds today. That's nearly a 40% improvement! All that hill work is paying off.

I went onto the mapmyride website and saw that I have cycled 136 miles in the past 21 days. That feels good.

For some reason, I couldn't post this--probably something wrong with the website. I had a great ride yesterday. I took 4 minutes off my 11 mile ride. I hadn't made much progress in decreasing my time for that ride, but realized that cycling in the afternoon, in shorts and a t-shirt, In 70 degree heat in much more conducive to speed than early in the morning, in sweats and a sweatshirt, at 40-50 degrees. It was a fabulous day to cycle.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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