Friday, May 20, 2011

Thank God It's Friday

I'm loving my Fridays. About a year ago, I started working 4 days a week at Market Street Research, and taking Fridays off, but it's taken a while to make Friday the fabulous day it is. From 7:30-8:15, I work out with Savanah at Fitness Together. From 8:30-9:30, I take Spanish lessons from my friend Julie. I then meet with Georganne for a few hours to work on Entiende EcoService Adventures. The last 2 Fridays, I've then gone cycling. Then Liz and I do whatever on Friday night. Liz is out of town today, so I'm going to have dinner and the movies with the Nortonsmiths. Doesn't that sound like a great day!

Today was particularly nice, because it actually stopped raining. I took the dogs out for a half-hour walk in the woods behind our house. It's the first time I've walked the dogs since I broke my leg, and was pleased that the walk didn't hurt either my leg nor my back.

I then went cycling for 12 miles. On the way back, the sun actually came out. Wow--I immediately felt really happy. I think human beings are really tuned into the weather in terms of our emotions. Having the sun out made a big difference. When I got home, I took a book out on the deck and read in the sun for an hour.

Like I said, I love Fridays. What a day!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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