Monday, March 21, 2011

Help is on the Way

I decided that in addition to committing to you, dear reader, that I won't drink alcohol or eat sugar until my birthday, I needed a live person to commit to, too. So when I went in for my workout at Fitness Together today, I made the commitment to Mark. He said he would put it in my record, so my traines will check in with me about it whenever I come in. That feels great. Liz made the commitment, too, and is going to tell her trainer tomorrow. Having both of us have the same goal really helps. By the way, you should see Liz--she's slimming up fast and looks great!

I had a great upper body workout today. I did 5 sets of pushups, bench presses, and dips, all of which focus on the pecs and triceps. I can feel a pleasant stiffness developing already this evening. I've been having some pain in my mid-back so I ended with some exercises that focused on that area.

I got an email from Barb today inviting me to join her at her gym on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, so that will be great for the weekend.

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