Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Best of Intentions

Well, I meant to go to a class this morning at the Y, but I couldn't get to sleep last night. My left foot hurts most nights--I have neuropathy on the top of my foot because the nerves were severed in the surgery to repair my leg. The top of my foot is numb, so it's this weird combination of numbness and pain. Thankfully, it no longer bothers me much during the day, but there it is every night when I go to bed. Nothing can touch my foot at night, so I have to make a little tent out of the sheets and blankets. Most nights I can fall asleep pretty fast, but every once in awhile I have a night like last night. I kept checking the clock--11, 12, 1. By that point, I changed the alarm and slept in. I need to workout tomorrow morning, so here's hoping for a good night's sleep tonight.

1 comment:

  1. Here's hoping for a pain free night and many nights in the future. We sure miss you and hope to see you soon.
