Monday, March 7, 2011

Stepping On Up

I had an accomplishment today I feel really good about. On Friday, when Savanah had me do step ups (step up on a platform on one leg, raise the other leg up on the platform and then lower it to the floor, repeat a bunch of times) she first wanted me to try it on a 18" high platform. I didn't think I could do it, because I never had been able to before, but I gave it a try. Trying to step up 18" seemed impossible, like the foot on the floor was being held there by powerful magnets. She moved me to a 12" platform and I was fine.

Mark had me do step ups today, and like Savanah, brought out the 18" platform. I told Mark I hadn't been able to use the 18" platform on Friday, but I'd give it a try. Stepping on the 18" platform today was like doing the 12" platform on Friday. I was amazed! I did 4 sets of 12. What a great feeling.

Liz has a 6am workout at Fitness Together tomorrow (is she crazy, or what) so I'm going to go to the 6 am spinning class. Couldn't go tonight because I had a board meeting. So off to bed I go.

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